How do I create an Instructor Account (Self-Registration)?

This article will help you self-register for Christ in Us. Your school or parish Christ in Us administrator may have provided you with a custom website address to use. If you did receive a custom website address please skip step one below.

    1. Go to Enter your school or parish Zip Code to find your institution. If you cannot find your institution please see the article Cannot Find Your Institution.

    2. Click the Register button. If you receive a message stating "Your school has disabled registration." Please see the article regarding disabled registration.

3. Select Instructor and then click Return to Christ In Us.
4. To complete the instructor registration, please enter your first name, last name, email address, and create a username.

5. Click Create in the Instructor Registration form, and Christ in Us will email the address used to verify your account.

6. Please click the link in the account verification email within 72 hours. Christ in Us will delete your information after 72 hours, and you will need to restart from Step 1.

7. After selecting the link to verify your account, you will return to the Christ In Us Login. You will also receive an email that confirms your account verification.

8.You will need to log in using the username and password you specified in the Instructor Registration form when creating your account.
9. The first time you log in to Christ In Us, you will need to read the Terms and Conditions and accept them to continue.

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