Christ in Us Release Notes
July 2022
Content Updates
New content was added for Christos en nosotros and for Christ in Us for all grades kindergarten through 8th grade.
June 2022
Login Page – Language Option
The English/Spanish language options are now clearly identified on the login page
Printing Enhancements
- When printing a class roster, the primary instructor of the class is now displayed below the class name .
- When printing a resource containing a free response question, a fourth line now appears in the answer area of the free response question to allow more space to write an answer.
- Instructors and Admins now have the option to print assessments in larger font sizes.
Edit Students in Class – Add Class Column
When adding/editing the students enrolled in a class, they can see the class(es) in which the students are already enrolled via the Class column, which will mitigate enrolling a student in multiple classes unintentionally.
Manage Students – Add Class Column
When Instructors and Admins go to Manage Students, they will see the class(es) in which students are enrolled via the “Class” column that is now included in the Students list
Customize Assessments
Instructors and Administrators can use the new Edit Assessment option to remove questions from an assessment and save it as a customized assessment.
Instructors/admins can access their edited assessments via the Custom Assessments category located at the bottom of the TOC in the same Unit/Lesson as the original assessment.
Change Class Instructor
School administrators can now change the Primary Instructor associated with a class.
Communication Enhancements
From the Manage Parents page, instructors can use the “Bulk Send” feature to send Parent Welcome and Student Welcome letters in bulk (instead of one by one).
- Instructors are now able to initiate Messages to other instructors
- This is enabled by default, but Administrators can disable this feature via Manage Settings
- Instructors are now able to create and send Calendar events to other instructors
- Customers can use the "Send Reminder" option to the Actions menu on the Assignments page to make it easier for instructors to remind students of assignments that are due soon.
August 2021
Christ In Us Offline eBook Licenses
Allows customers to apply CIU and CEN offline eBook (seat) licenses in CIU portal, send Sadlier Reader instructions to other users including students, view Sadlier Reader access codes and manage device usage. For more information follow the link below.
July 2021
Cristo en nosotro Grades 2-6 Content Translated
Customers have more Spanish content for grades 2-6 including, Digital Resources, Student eBooks, and CIU videos with Spanish subtitles.
Christ in Us email template updates for Cristo en nosotros users
Update templates for CIU’s various portal- and order-generated emails to include English and Spanish text.
June 2021
Co-Instructor Access and Parity
Administrators can add and remove Co-Instructors on the Edit Class screen. Instructors can view Lesson Plans in their Calendar created by co-instructors. They can also view answers/comments in Observation, Growth in Virtue, and Prior Knowledge Check resources completed by co-instructors. Administrators serving as co-instructors can perform all the same assignment actions as Instructors.
Lesson Planner
Instructors can now switch their School Traditional and Liturgical lesson plans from 5-days to 4-days and vice versa. Instructional plan and resources shift accordingly.
In addition to the existing Summer Model (renamed Summer: Ten-Day), customers can create custom summer model lesson plans (Summer: Custom). The custom model allows users to choose between five and ten sessions and apply lessons to each session as desired. Customers can still use the Summer: Ten-Day model for a pre-filled ten-day plan—the Ten-Day plan is not customizable.
Christ In Us – Cristo en nosotros - Language Toggle
Allows users to toggle between English and Spanish and set language preferences for themselves and admins can set the preference for other users. This release also includes the launch of the Spanish version of the Support Site here
Calendar Enhancements
Allows Admins and Instructors to create a new event type called “At Home” and invite users to their custom, “At Home”, or “Intergenerational” events. The invite allows the user to compose a message, schedule a reoccurring event, and send reminders via the portal Message feature. The invited can RSVP to events and receive updates if the event is canceled or otherwise edited.
Message Enhancements
CIU messaging now provides access to the address book from the inbox and the compose screens. Users can create custom contact lists, schedule messages to send later, and allows users to set an email address to be notified when there is a new message. Also, Parents can now view their own and their children’s messages.
Christ in Us Companion Link
Administrators, pastors, instructors, and parents can now access the CIU Companion link in the portal footer in addition to the grade-level Program Overview.
Rostering and Class Creation Enhancements
Christ in Us rostering and class data model updates allow for more integrations for customers who are approved by our sales department and provide all customers with additional methods of school year set-up.
Google Classroom Integration*
Parishes or schools that are approved for integration by our sales department, can now use the full rostering integration to import the classes and students. Previously Christ in Us only offered SSO after manual rostering. Now they can also pass grades back to the Google Classroom.
* Requires Google ORG and all users need email addresses from a domain in the ORG.